Being Happy
Published July 2, 2010
Originally published at:
For the first time, I didn’t encounter any frustrations yesterday. As you can see, I am infamous for being frustrated almost every day. But yesterday was different. Something made me switch energies from being frustrated to being happy.
It all started with my class in keyboarding. I landed 94 words in an Accuracy Test. Then I enjoyed the Blindfold Test. Literally, I was blindfolded while doing an exercise. I let my hands do the talking.
Then I went to the 4th floor to look for Sir Harvey. I found him in the department, left our things in the radio station, and we went to the CfPA. In the CfPA, there is an on-going audition for USJ-R Got Talent, our school version of Pinoy Got Talent. It was quiet from 9 AM-10 AM because there is no auditions going on. I was on the control booth with my new friend Manong Boy.
I was on lunch break, attended class from 2 in the afternoon until 3 in the afternoon and back to the CfPA at 3:30 in the afternoon.
While am still in control for the lights because I’ll be manning it on the actual event, there is a problem my friend encountered. She forgot her music and I was forced to bring my laptop in CfPA.
I barged inside an on-going interview in Purveyor while I am getting my bag. I never went back to the station until it was 5:30 in the afternoon, when the auditions are finished.
I had fun during the audition. I get to meet some friends, there is also one student who called me sir but I insisted to be called “kuya.” Then the audition went on. I was still trying to cope up with the lights of the CfPA, trying to squeeze out any remaining creative juice since I’m not particular with lights. I know, I did photography but still, I’m quite poor when it comes to lights.
Anyway, after the auditions, I went out of the school, ate 3 puso (banana covered rice) and 6 sio mais. After which, I went inside and waited for my class. I met DVD inside the Forward office and played dama. At first it was Tsong and DVD then DVD and I. We played some serious dama. LOL. After that, we went upstairs and went directly to MS 1. I left DVD there and went to 426 for my Psych class.
Here’s the coolest part. I met my crushie there. LOL. She’s about to go home and I still have class. I don’t know her name, she’s my classmate in PERD and she’s part of DCLL. That’s all that I could tell. And oh, she’s not my friend in Facebok. LOL again.
Anyway, we had an examination and it seems that I performed quite satisfactorily. We were dismissed early. I went home with Igi while we discussed some things.
Nothing beats a happy day.. LOL.
Note: I almost witnessed a guy stealing a girl’s phone but luckily, the phone wasn’t stolen.
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