Two weeks ago, Tailwind CSS reached version 2. There were a lot of features under the hood and one of them is Dark Mode. I haven’t tested the feature yet but I’m going to in the future as a lot of people have enabled Dark mode in either their operating system or their browser.
Renovate bot created a PR to upgrade my Tailwind CSS dependency to v2. I was excited to upgrade only to find out that they have dropped support to Node v10.x. v10.x is still LTS until the end of April 2021 and I was buffled as to why they dropped support this early. I regressed to v1.9.6 and ignored the next PR that would upgrade it to v2.
It took me a few days to realize that eventually, all of my dependencies will cease to support Node v10. There is no assurance that I could have my own computer yet and I will be definitly stuck in using an old laptop that is still running Windows 7. Then the upgrade to Windows 10 failed, that is when I finally decided to use Linux.
I’ve shopped a few distros that I feel comfortable using and I finally decided to use AntiX. This distro is based in Debian and is designed to work on older computers. It also has a small memory footprint which is great because this machine only has 3 Gb of memory. I initially installed the 32-bit version but Nodejs only supports 64-bit versions of Linux which prompted me to change to 64-bit.
So far, so good and I’ve never been happier. I’m currently using Node v14. The last time I used Linux was in 2007 when I was curious in using them. That time, I really did a distro hop. When I’m not satisfied with the current distro, I would reformat my hard drive and change to another distro. I really don’t play games with this laptop and most of the time I’m using VS Code because I’m constantly updating my website internally or I’m working on another personal project.
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