I'll launch another blog site
Published January 18, 2009
Originally published at: https://web.archive.org/web/20090125210014/http://beincent.wordpress.com/2009/01/18/ill-launch-another-blog-site#more-156
I’ll be launching another blog site.. It would be under WordPress.org and I hope my hosting would be approved soon. I’ll settle with free web host for now and continue blogging using a Co.cc subdomain or their own sub-domain. Maybe I’ll try a redirect to mask my true URL.. Or… What the heck..
I’m still in the process of shutting down my other website. The Another Chapter blog in particular yet, I can’t PM my web host provider that I will shut it down. I don’t care about those plugins, those configurations but I did make a back-up of my blog posts. I downloaded the XML file and I’ll re-download it before I’ll shut it down for sure.
I missed the times when I can earn money while blogging.
Is it too late for me now to start over again due to a lot of competitors?
Am I up for the challenge?
Maybe I do… I love writing as far as I’m concerned. A lot of ideas pop-up when I’m sitting here in my computer, typing or micro-blogging with my accounts on Plurk, Identi.ca and Twitter. If my free web host has been approved then I would proceed in launching the said blog site. It would be for earning. It would be for SEO. It would be for commerce.
I’m looking forward for that..
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