Accidents do happen Part 2
Published February 4, 2008
Originally published at:
Another experience of mine was just a while ago. When my grandmother lost her balance and banged her head on the wall. And imagine, she’s 87 years old and her head banged on the wall with lots of blood flowing.
I was just waking up when I heard the pail moved. It was just a normal day. 10am and my grandmother was hanging her laundry on the clothesline. I was getting my computer running when she hurriedly went inside the house. She asked me if there were blood on her head, and I said there was. I applied first aid. Cotton and Betadine. I was just controlling the blood flow when she told me to call my uncle. I left the cotton on her head and called them. One of my uncle had a car and he hurriedly went here. I still control the blood when they came. She was brought to the hospital. I cleaned what’s left here: 3 towels full of blood and some of her clothes still there outside. 2:30pm when she came back with a bandage on her head. There were medicines prescribed. 1 was to be taken twice a day and the other when she has a headache.
Moral Lesson: Never hang or laundry your clothes in the middle of the sun. You may suffer a heat stroke.
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